Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sorry I have been such blog slacker I know have a lot of fans that really look forward to me posting.  Just kidding.  Anyway my very kind and very generous parents took me and all of my siblings plus spouses on a cruise this year for Christmas.  It was sooooo much fun.  It was kind of difficult leaving the girls for nine days and being unable to communicate but some how I was able to drowned any worries I might have felt in all of the free food!!!  I am posting a picture from the very beginning of our trip this was about an hour before we walked on the boat apposed to rolling off of it a week later.  It was a lot of fun to spend that much time with just Tyson and I and to spend time with my siblings.  I have a new brother in law that we haven't really been able to spend a whole lot of time with, so it was especially fun to get to know him more.  The strange thing is it feels like he has been in the family forever!  My parents had invited some friends to go with them and all of us and the husband took over 1,500 pictures while we there.  Hello, we were sick of taking pictures and we didn't even take any.  We are supposed to be getting a cd of all of them so I will have a lot more to post later and I mean a lot more.    

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm gonna' say what everyone is thinking..."that's a cute couple~ & they look really happy!"