Thursday, April 1, 2010

update may contain info some might not want to read:)

So I have been setting myself up for major disappointment. Hope came 2 1/2 weeks early and wasn't nearly as large or as low as this baby has felt. I thought for sure that my chances of a repeat were pretty good. So I went to my 36 week check up last wed. and I was dilated to a 2. Which I was happy with seeing I still had a week and half before I thought he might come. So I had my 37 week check up yesterday. They say that a Full moon, a storm or having you know what can all be great inducers of labor. Well I had all three working for me. (That would be part of the info some of you might not of wanted to know.) So I was pretty confident that I was going to be at least a 3. I was a 4 at 37 weeks with Hope.

So I am in a student program because I don't know why, so the student checks as well as the mid wife. The mid wife went first just so she could guide the student along. So after the student checks they are talking and I ask so....? They say well you are still very thick and dilated to a 1/2. That took a minute to digest. So you are telling me that last week I was a 2 and now I am not even a 1. I didn't even realize such things were even possible. Apparently this darling little baby is all ready letting me know about how much control I have.

So I have switched gears I have changed to the numb checked out this kid isn't coming out for a while so I will go to the library get some good books and find joy in the fact that the only thing I can do for recreation is eat:)


The Nash's said...

SO sorry...but I am impressed that you've got the "you know what" going on with only a few weeks to go. I am pretty sure in my large and uncomfortable state that there was none of that happening that's for sure.Go Calli Go Calli :)

Joel said...

Wait a minute... you're trying to make ANOTHER baby while you haven't even birthed out this one? Of all the inappropriate things to do!

Charakie said...

I am laughing OUT LOUD right now! When I went for my 40 week apt with Mitchell the nurse told me I was at 1/2 too. Later that day Dr. Jones laughed and asked "What does that even mean?" Oh my gosh! I don't know...YOU"RE the doctor! Anyhoo, enjoy life without depression for a couple more weeks. Mitchell is 7 months and I'm just now starting to function at a somewhat normal level :) Love these babies, but I can totally do without the rage of hormones that follows giving birth to them. P.S. We're moving to Georgia in July.

Joy ~ Kurt said...

DID she say APRIL FOOLS?!?!?! That's not cool! You could go for a walk or something... Maybe that would help?? :)

Adam and Julie said...

You Poor Thing! I meant to call you yesterday! He has got to come out sometime soon :) I say keep trying the "you know what" You Go Girl!
as Adam would say Ty needs it!