Tuesday, February 16, 2010


When Ty was little he was given the nick name "Ty Bear" because he was so chubby and big. I assumed that this is what they meant by big and chubby. His parents informed me however that as chubby as Hope was she still wasn't as big as her daddy was. I have to admit that I am afraid of being on the news here in a couple of weeks for being the first white women to deliver an 18 pound baby!


Erin said...

Is the first chub Tyson?? Wow, he and Hope really look alike! There's nothing cuter than rolls on a baby! Can't wait to meet the newest little chub! :)

Kara said...

He He...so cute! I am excited for you get your little babe here pretty soon. And, no, I did not make it to the hospital in time for an epidural with my little gal. It's crazy how slowly time passes when you are pregnant and then it zooms once the babe is here. Can't wait for your updates...

Fisher Family said...

Is that really Tyson? Maybe that should have been something you talked about while you were dating... you know, so how big will our babies be when I deliver?! More than 10 lbs and you find a different husband!

Lewis Fam said...

No that is not Tyson those are both pictures of my "little" Hopey. She was 7lbs 11 ozs when she was born and then something happened:) Apparently she was getting straight cream!

The Nash's said...

I love the Tubbies!!!

Marjie said...

Everyone loves a chubby baby. Just not so much when you're the one carrying him around...
I will be smiling about your description of pregnancy for weeks. So perfect.